Posts tagged with "Frankenfoods"

The New Government Crackdown on Childhood Obesity

The government has introduced new proposals to tackle the issue of childhood obesity in the UK. With these new measures, it seems the government is admitting that the previous policy was simply not effective enough. Mandatory calorie labelling on menus and stricter measures on junk food advertising are just some of actions that could be implemented. Childhood Obesity is a Significant Problem Currently, one in three children are overweight or obese when they leave primary school. Obesity across the UK is estimated to cost the NHS £5.1 billion per year, with a cost to the wider economy of £27 billion. Less than two years after the...

5 Ways to Remove Factory Meat from Your Diet

There are new and valid concerns regarding the welfare of animals on UK farms. In a recent investigation, footage was obtained by the animal rights group Animal Equality. It depicted pigs being brutally mistreated over a period of 10 days. If you are concerned about the welfare of animals and what you eat, there is something you can do. Many people are becoming aware of the presence of factory meat in their diet and their wish to reduce consumption of such meat. One option is to consider becoming a vegetarian or vegan. However, if you still wish to consume meat, you can still reduce the amount of factory meat in your diet: Eat...

Urge for Industrial Trans Fats to be Removed from Food Supply

The Word Health Organisation (WHO) has stated that trans fats need to be eliminated from the global food supply. This is because  they are responsible for half a million deaths worldwide each year. Currently, the majority of western Europe has already acted to reduce industrially made trans fats from factory produced foods. Denmark and New York have also introduced an outright ban in  food production. Large food corporations are facing significant pressure to act and use trans-fat substitutes instead. A Need for Improvement The latest UK national diet and nutrition survey shows the intake of trans fats is well below 0.5%-0.7%. Companies...

Fast Food Outlets Shouldn't be Near Schools

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health have urged the government to take more action in tackling the issue of childhood obesity in the UK. According to child healthcare professionals, fast food outlets should be banned from operating within 400 metres from schools in England. Nationwide Initiative The mayor of London Sadiq Khan has already suggested such measures should be established in the capital. Although The College agrees, it has called for the potential ban to be extended throughout the UK. President of The College Professor Russell Viner, stated that ministers should “take a leap of faith” by introducing the measures...

Britain is the Unhealthiest Nation in Europe

Results from a new study have concluded that Britain has the unhealthiest diet in Europe. According to the data, ultra-processed junk food is the reason behind Britain’s unhealthy eating habits. Eating large amounts of these foods will lead to an increased risk of obesity, heart attacks and stroked. Food like crisps, chicken nuggets and ready meals make up half of the meals consumed in the average household. These foods don’t contain many fresh ingredients or much nutritional value. Britain has Seriously Unhealthy Eating Habits The study examined the diets of 19 European countries and found that Britain’s consumption of...

Frankenfoods are Taking Over the World

A healthy, balanced diet is the basis of living well. Part of this includes keeping tasty but non-nutritional food to a minimum. Populations have become more reliant on what are known as Frankenfoods and they can be harmful to our health. Along with the presence of fake food, corporations are seriously profiting from processed and potentially damaging food. What are Frankenfoods? Frankenfoods are named as such because they aren’t really food. Indeed, consumers eat them, but they don’t have any nutritional value. There are a lot of frankenfoods that are easily obtained and are being consumed without an understanding of what is being...