A very common diet surgery is the tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty). This is another popular method used for the removal of abdominal fatty deposits which cannot be got rid of via diet and exercise.
In many instances tummy tucks are used alongside liposuction or gastric bypass. This procedure is used following extreme weight loss to remove loose inelastic skin post operation.
Key points relating to tummy tucks
A tummy tuck procedure lasts between one and five hours. It is entirely dependent on how much skin needs to be removed, as well as the patient’s size. Essentially, excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen in order to tighten abdominal muscle.
A total tummy tuck is made up of five procedures:
- The surgeon slices from hip to hip, above the pubic area.
- Another cut frees the navel from surrounding skin.
- The skin is separated from the abdominal wall. Sutures are used to tighten muscles below.
- The skin flap that had been removed taken off the muscle is then reattached. All extra skin is removed, with a new hole being cut for the navel.
- All stitches are dressed, with excess fluid being drained.
There is also a partial abdominoplasty option whereby the fat is more so in the lower part of the abdomen. Herein, the diet surgery method leaves the navel intact. This procedure is a faster operation.
Can a tummy tuck work for you?
The best patients for a tummy tuck are those in good shape, with fat deposits or loose skin that they have not been able to remove by exercise or diet.
It is of note that permanent scarring can occur post-op. Therefore, patients need to prepare themselves for that. People who intend to lose a great deal of weight ought to avoid the surgery, as ought women who intend to get pregnant at some point.
There are a few easy steps to follow which can up your chances of successful surgery. Make sure that your abdomen is out of the sun for at least a week prior to the operation. There is no need for the surgeon to be operating on damaged skin. In addition, stop smoking at least two weeks pre-op and two weeks post-op.
It is sensible to arrange for a family member or friend to stay with you post-op as you are likely to be in a lot of pain and will need looking after. Some patients stay at the hospital for several days. In the initial period, patients are swollen and in pain. This will of course subside, with stitches being removed one to two weeks post-op.
A certain amount of exercise helps the healing process. However, vigorous exercise needs to be avoided until many months post-op. It is entirely possible to return to work one to two months post op.
Tummy tucks have associated with them all the dangers any surgery procedure using general anaesthetic carries, including fatalities. A further significant risk is blood flow being cut off from the skin, which can result in the death of that skin and its subsequent removal. It is vital you discuss all the possible risks with your G.P.