So which diet does Demi adhere to?
Demi Moore follows the raw food diet. This kind of low fat diet has been slated by the scientific and medical community as nonsensical, recent studies have highlighted that most processed and heated foods contain carcinogens, a type of toxin which frequently causes cancer when tested on tests on mice and rats.
So does the raw vegan diet consist of? This is a diet plan which comprises unheated and unprocessed fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts and seeds. If possible everything is organic and as fresh as they can be.
The diet also consists of foods which are highly dense in nutrients. The majority of nutrients get destroyed when we heat foods. Raw food make you supernaturally young, fit, beautiful, vital, glowing and energetic, as is the case for Demi Moore.
This is actually our natural state. Therefore, Demi Moore ought to be the norm for a 40-year old woman. However, those of her age across society are going to be not so natural and unhealthy, because around 90-100% of the food we eat is cooked or processed.
In addition, she drinks lots of water and eats seaweed and greens.
Celebrity Exercise
How does Demi stay in shape? Moore does a lot of Pilates, big time and does workouts to cardio and yoga dvds. She has a trainer, Gregory Joujon-Roche, who is the founder of a Holistic Fitness programme, which focuses on total wellbeing, not purely physical fitness. There follows his tips for treadmill exercise:
Treadmill Tips
Treadmill exercise should be undertaken by walking for three minutes, increasing your incline to level 8, hang on to the handles, and imagine you are trudging through the mud.